Sleep apnoea and depression
Both illnesses often occur together - with fatal consequences for the sufferer

Depressive illnesses and sleeping problems almost always go hand in hand. This was shown in a recently published study (HypnoLaus study), in which 2121 test subjects (aged: 40 – 65 years) were tested: 49.7% of the men and 23.4% of the women suffered from so-called “obstructive sleep apnoea” (symptom caused by respiratory arrests during sleep). This study also proved a clear connection between sleep apnoea and severe depression.
The respiratory arrests at night, caused by the obstructive sleep apnoea, lead to persistent waking reactions and make restful sleep impossible. These sleep-related respiratory disturbances often lead to depression. This reduces the life quality of the sufferer enormously.
Neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin and noradrenalin regulate, among others, the wake and sleep states and also the emotional state. If there are malfunctions in the responsible nervous system due to disturbed sleep, this can have devastating effects on the psyche.
The diagnosis of depression in patients with sleep apnoea is extremely difficult, as many symptoms occur simultaneously in both illnesses.
Common symptoms in depressive patients and sleep apnoea sufferers are:
Common mental symptoms:
Concentration disturbances
Memory disorders
Uncontrollable fears
Common physical symptoms:
Sleep disturbances
Fatigue (during the day)
Heart problems
Sweating (at night)
Exhaustion and a lack of energy
Circulatory problems
Dry mouth (at night)
Headaches (in the morning)
Loss of libido and impotence
The negative effects of suffering from both illnesses are very well documented in studies. According to a test by the Sleep Disorder Centre in Nuremberg, obstructive sleep apnoea and severe depression are experienced together in almost 25% of cases. In these cases, the damaging consequences do not only add together for both illnesses but they potentiate. It is easy to understand why sleep apnoea sufferers with severe depression are often in despair.
For this reason, experts advise depressive patients with the above symptoms to consult a doctor immediately and to clarify whether there is a case of sleep apnoea.
When the obstructive sleep apnoea is healed, the extreme depression also shows clear improvement in almost all cases. In addition, other life-threatening secondary illnesses from the sleep apnoea such as diabetes, stroke or heart attack, are also prevented.
Obstructive sleep apnoea is cured forever using the globally unique and pain-free surgical method “Rotation Advancement” developed by Prof. Sailer. The considerably restricted life quality due to severe depression is then generally a thing of the past. Tragic and often fatal secondary illnesses from sleep apnoea can also be avoided.
Do you have any questions or would you like a personal consultation? We are happy to help.